Městská mlékárna
Andre titler: The City Dairy Plant
Genre: Documentary film
År: 1926
Varighed: 13:23 min:sec
Beskrivelse: The former way of selling milk in the streets was substituted by its mechanized production in the Radlice Steam Dairy Plant in Prague, the oldest Czech dairy plant. The map is showing places in Bohemia and Moravia, where milk is bought out from individual producers. We can see cows moving in an enclosure, milking of cows, the process of milk filtration, its transportation by "mil" trains to the dairy plant. There the milk is tested for its acidity and quality. During the pasteurization process milk is heated up to 85 degrees Celsius; this way all the harmful microorganisms get annihilated. Then you can watch the homogenization process, and the milk goes through a cooling system, where it gets cooled down to the lowest possible temperature. Then the milk is put to milk cans and bottles and it is distributed to Prague shops. The empty milk cans are then returned from the shops to the dairy plant, very often they are damaged and have to be rinsed and repaired. For this purpose the Czech scientists have developed a special Czech device. You can see a graph showing milk supplies/deliveries, the final shot is showing a governess feeding two children with milk.
Nøgleord: propagační / průmysl mlékárenský / mlékárna radlická / krávy / dojení / kravín / mapa mléčných cest / pasterizace mléka / homogenizace mléka / přístroj pasterizační / chladicí zařízení / mléko / přístroj homogenizační / laboratoř / povoz koňský / děti krmené mlékem / vlak "mléčný" / mlékárna prodejna / doprava mléka / expedice mléka / konve s mlékem / dairy industry / cows / The Radlice Dairy Plant / milking of cows / cowshed / map of dairy routes / cooling device / milk / pasteurization of milk / horse chart / laboratory / homogenization of milk / "milk" train / children with milk / pasteurization apparatus / dairy shop / dispatching of milk / homogenization device / milk cans / milk transportation
Udbyder: Národní filmový archiv
Rettigheder: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Produktionsselskab: Prokůpek Julius Praha
Farve: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Samling: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs